English for Life: English Language Skill Development Project Time frame: March 2016 -- Currently Ongoing
Project Overview: We reasonably believe that in developing country, English undoubtedly remain not only a modern language but an effective tool to survive economically. Ideologically based on this reasonable belief we adequately provide micro scale training to grassroot, underprivileged and marginalized youths on English language skills in a non-formal setting. Through this project, the principal beneficiaries sufficiently develop their English language skills that undoubtedly benefit them in achieving more significant success within their academic/functional area hence achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in reading/writing.
Faith in the Commonwealth: Promoting Global Citizenship & Religious Literacy Time Frame: June 2018 to December 2019 [Ended]
Project Overview: This project aimed to promote global citizenship education and education for sustainable development, including gender equality and human rights targeting different educational institutions, so that the notion of gender equality are mainstreamed at all levels. The project was ran in 6 districts of Bangladesh comprising Dhaka, Khulna, Jashore, Moulvibazar, Chattogram and Rangpur. The participants were youths of 12-30 age groups and came from different schools, madrasas, colleges, universities and local sports clubs. There were 22 workshops, 4 focused group discussions, 1 dialogue and 2 sports events conducted under this project and a total 722 participants were directly engaged in these activities. Among the participants, 342 were male and 380 were female participants.
Sudokkho: Empowering Bangladeshi Grassroot Queer Community through Employability Skills Development Time Frame: January 2016 -- Currently Running
Project Overview:This ambitious project was adopted to strengthen sound skills and enforceable knowledge for the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of the grassroot level queer community members of Bangladesh, who are prone to modern slavery, domestic violence and abuse because of financial instability. Through this local project we sufficiently develop queer community members' ICTskills, basic job profiling, appropriate placement and other soft skill that are relevant for carefully securing a successful employment. We additionally provide gadgetassistance(sewing machine, mobile phone, bi-cycle, economy computer, etc.) to those who at presentpossess necessary skills but in specific need of suitable gadgets in line with their specificskills.
Chissha: HIV, STIs and SRHR Awareness for LGBT+ Community Time Frame: June 2016 -- Currently Running Project Overview:Through this specific project we empower grassroot level queer activists with robust techniques to properly promote SRHR and build social awareness on STIs and HIV. We assist them to sufficiently develop their own knowledge on sexual diversity related terms to better understand gender, sex and bodily rights within gender spectrum. Through this project we ensure continuous flow of latest health information instantly reaching at the grassroot level.
EQUAL: Bangladesh Queer Partnership Platform Time Frame: April 2020 -- Currently Running Project Overview:EQUAL is a social platform established to establish a cultural link between mainstream organizations and grassroot local LGBTIQ+ organizations of Bangladesh. This is furthermore an ambitious project to empower grassroot level LGBTIQ+ organizations through strategic support in project development, maintaining advocacy works and overall community development. Through this partnership platform, member organizations will gain access to implement joint projects, social events, organized campaign and comprehensive programs in a broader manner to maximize the social rights based projects.
Monshokha: Mental Health Counselling Support for LGBTIQ People Time Frame: September 2020 -- March 2020 [Ended] Project Overview:This Project aims to establish a handy counselling helpline to adequately address the mental health implications of the Covid-19 for the grassroot level LGBTIQ people. Through this counselling helpline, we aim to reach out the grassroot level local LGBTIQ people of Bangladesh who are suffering from mental complications due to the various impact of the Covid-19. Through this project, we want to engage those vulnerable people with certified physicians so that they can avail handy mental health support. This is, in addition, an attempt to get an insight into the mental well-being status of the grassroot LGBTIQ people during this pandemic.
Shurokkha: Ensuring Virtual & Physical Safety of LGBTIQ+ People Time Frame: October 2020 -- Currently Running Project Overview: This project aims to extend the safety and security of local LGBTIQ+ community members and also LGBTIQ+ Human Rights Defenders. Through this, we are offering individual and group security support to improve the status of vulnerability and also widening the scope to reduce harm. This project also assists the LGBTIQ+ individuals and Human Rights Defenders to avail assistance during emergencies which include financial support, temporary relocation assistance, and other relevant security-related supports.
Gotia: Sexual Health and Wellbeing Support for LGBTIQ People Time Frame: July 2021 -- Currently Running Project Overview: This Project aims to establish a handy and virtual helpline to support sexual and reproductive health support during Covid-19 for the grassroot level LGBTIQ people. Through this virtual helpline, we aim to reach out the grassroot level local LGBTIQ people of Bangladesh who are suffering from various sexual transmitted infections but unable to access doctor support due to Covid-19 restrictions, shyness or financial problems. Through this project, we want to engage those vulnerable people with certified physicians so that they can avail handy sexual and reproductive health support. This is, in addition, an attempt to get an insight into the sexual well-being status of the grassroot LGBTIQ people during this pandemic.
PinkTaka: Information, Technical and Financial Support Project for Business Initiatives of SOGIESC People Time Frame: February 2022 -- Currently Running Project Overview:Economic empowerment of SOGIESC people is at the heart of our activism, and through these efforts, we hope to expand our support and assistance to existing business initiatives by offering business-related knowledge, technical assistance, and financial support to SOGIESC community members. Additionally, this project aimed to brand SOGIESC-led businesses and their products in order to increase their exposure, support, and expansion of fair-trade. This initiative is a part of our upcoming work focus on "Community Based Climate Change Adaptation in Cities" for marginalized SOGIESC population.
SuddaCircle: Social Welfare Initiative for Elderly LGBTIQ+ People Time Frame: January 2022 -- Currently Running Project Overview: People who identify as LGBTIQ+ have historically faced discrimination and prejudice. Throughout their life, many LGBTI elders have faced abuse, loneliness, and stigma. These elderly frequently do not or cannot reveal their names or experiences to services, and as a result, they can go unnoticed in the aged care industry and the greater society. LGBTIQ+ educates service providers, policymakers, LGBTIQ+ persons, and the general public about how to satisfy the needs of LGBTIQ+ seniors through the SuddaCircle project. We also provide LGBTIQ+ elders with information and referrals to services and resources. We're working together to ensure that aged care services are inclusive of elderly LGBTIQ+ Bangladeshis' diverse genders, bodies, sexualities, and relationships.
IB LGBT+ Emergency Fund Time Frame: July 2022 -- Currently Running Project Overview: Every day, a significant number of LGBTIQ+ people in Bangladesh are coerced out of their homes and subjected to mental and physical violence as a result of their identities. A good number of them are looking for meagre emergency funds to help them get by until the situation stabilises. These people will be able to overcome their temporary challenges with the assistance of this emergency fund, which will allow them to live their lives with dignity.
Monitor: Community-led LGBTIQ+ Human Rights Violations Monitoring in Bangladesh Time Frame: August 2023 -- Currently Running Project Overview: Human rights violations against LGBTIQ+ people are on the rise in Bangladeshi society as homophobia continues to spread. Although we frequently witness LGBTIQ+ people's human rights being violated, there is no systematic monitoring or reporting of these incidents. To ensure that the stakeholders have enough information on LGBTIQ+ people's human rights, we and our partner organisation Prantoz Foundation launched this project to document the human rights violations of LGBTIQ+ people throughout Bangladesh for the first time in Bangladesh.
Peace Clubs: Promoting No Hate Speech Among Youths Time Frame: November 2016 -- Currently Running
Project Overview: Hate speech endures the key way to ignite violence and it all starts through bullying at schools. Through this project we establish peace clubs in diverse schools to promote non-violence, empathy and respect. Becoming a member of these peace clubs, school students develop sense of tolerance and respect. They also learn to construct alternative narrative through experiencing practical examples. Students also learn to enthusiastically promote peace and non-violence through creative art and performing arts. Till today we have established 26 peace clubs in 26 various schools comprising 5 districts of Bangladesh.
Faith in The Commonwealth: Preventing Violent Extremism Through Global Citizenship Education Religious Literacy & Inter-Faith Dialogue Time Frame: January 2020 -- Currently Running Project Overview: Violent extremism, religious hate speech, growing intolerance and unfortunate lack of personal respect for diverse ideology are the root causes that severely diminishing the space of religious and social harmony. At this point it is significant to address such issues through multi stake-holder engagements to sensitize the society. Through this project we promote religious literacy, inter-faith dialogue and train local youths and adults on inter-faith harmony and peace building. Activities such as, sports, arts, movies, FGDs, dialogues sessions at completely rural areas remain our key component to promote peace through this project.
Shantimoyee: Capacity Building of Transgender and Non-binary People for Peace Building Time Frame: April 2022 -- Currently Running Project Overview: Women, transgender and non-binary people are a major stakeholder for peace-building activities and it is evident that these groups are mostly left out while initiating peace-building activities. This project remains an attempt to promote freedom of religious beliefs to reduce the growing sense of religious nationalism through engaging young women, transgender and non-binary people. Beside of these, the activities will focus on interfaith dialogue, media literacy, negative impact of polarisation of minority religious groups and increase young women, transgender and non-binary youths’ practical knowledge of religious literacy.
Intersectional Climate Action & Empowerment for SOGIESC Communities in Climate Vulnerable Areas of Bangladesh Time Frame: January 2023 -- Currently Running Project Overview:The climate crisis is a global problem that requires collective action. However, certain groups, such as SOGIESC communities, are disproportionately affected by the consequences of climate change. This project aims to empower SOGIESC communities in climate-vulnerable areas of Bangladesh by providing climate education and practical knowledge to help them mitigate and adapt to climate change. This project will empower these communities to take climate action that aligns with their unique needs and perspectives and build their resilience to the impacts of climate change.